We Need a Law Enforcement Overhaul? Skip to main content

A law enforcement overhaul entails comprehensive reforms. These reforms are aimed at addressing structural flaws within police agencies. The overhaul also bolsters their effectiveness, accountability, and community relations. This entails implementing policy changes, procedural adjustments, and cultural shifts within law enforcement institutions.

The cases of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor highlight a significant issue in the United States: African Americans are three times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts. Alarmingly, from 2013 to 2019, charges were brought against officers in only 1% of police killings. Despite initiatives like body cameras, there has been little progress. What is crucial is establishing systematic accountability and transparency. These challenges are deeply rooted in the history of American law enforcement and require comprehensive systemic change.

To begin meaningful reform, outdated laws that unfairly target African Americans, such as those concerning minor offenses like marijuana possession or loitering, need to be repealed. These laws contribute to excessive policing in African American communities and the unjustified use of force in situations that do not pose a real threat to public safety.

Rethinking the Role of Law Enforcement

The pressing need for a law enforcement overhaul is evident in the frequent mishandling of mental health crises by police. A survey conducted by Public Health Advocates in California reveals strong public support for integrating behavioral health professionals into emergency response teams. This signals a demand for more effective and compassionate approaches to crisis intervention. Led by advocates like Ryan McClinton, there’s a call for comprehensive reform of the state’s 911 system. This reform aims to ensure the inclusion of mental health professionals and specialized training for emergency responders.

Despite this, law enforcement officials’ reluctance to relinquish control over emergency operations persists, emphasizing the challenges within the current system. However, progress is underway in various California counties. Mobile crisis services staffed by mental health professionals are already showing more effective responses to community needs. These advancements highlight the pressing need for a comprehensive overhaul of law enforcement practices. This overhaul is to ensure fairer, more effective, and compassionate responses to mental health crises and other emergencies.

How can America Reform Policing?

Criminal justice experts provided recommendations in a 2016 interview that are still applicable today, pointing to a deficiency in the implementation of changes on a national level. The main goal of these recommendations is to deal with the long-standing problems caused by centuries of unfair policing tactics against minority communities.

1.     Law Enforcement Overhaul

Law enforcement must confront historical injustices against minority communities. They must acknowledge past abuses and commit to rebuilding trust. Public apologies, community engagement, and dialogue initiatives are crucial for fostering mutual respect and cooperation. By actively listening to affected communities, police can work towards reconciliation and lasting change.

2.     Address Racial Biases

This includes explicit biases, such as overt prejudice or discriminatory behavior, and implicit biases, unconscious attitudes, or prejudices that influence judgment. Training should prioritize fostering empathy cultural knowledge, and treating all people equally, regardless of race or ethnicity.

3.     Avoid Unnecessary Use of Force

To minimize the use of excessive force, law enforcement agencies should prioritize de-escalation techniques and conflict resolution strategies in their training curricula. Officers should be equipped with non-lethal alternatives and taught to assess situations calmly and rationally, with the goal of resolving conflicts peacefully whenever possible. Policies should emphasize the sanctity of human life and the proportional use of force, ensuring that lethal force is employed only as a last resort in response to imminent threats to safety.

4.     Ensure Accountability and Transparency

It is necessary to develop transparent disciplinary procedures and unambiguous conduct standards in order to improve law enforcement accountability. Strong misconduct complaint investigation processes that are supervised by unbiased organizations are essential. Various disciplinary measures, such as retraining or legal prosecution, should be applied to offenders. Transparency fosters responsibility and trust, and it includes making disciplinary records accessible to the public.

5.     Reform Incentive Structures

In the context of law enforcement overhaul, agencies must revise performance metrics and incentives to prioritize community-centered policing over quantitative enforcement. This shift means abandoning quotas for arrests or citations, which can lead to biased tactics and harm marginalized groups. Instead, the emphasis should be on public safety, community engagement, and equitable treatment. Evaluations should gauge officers’ success in fostering trust and resolving conflicts peacefully.

6.     Raise Standards for Recruitment and Training:

Improving standards for hiring and training is crucial. This requires candidates to have a bachelor’s degree or above in order to attract applicants with a variety of viewpoints and critical thinking skills. Stress management and communication abilities should be evaluated during the employment process with emotional intelligence tests. To fulfill the demands of modern policing, ongoing training must cover crisis intervention, conflict resolution, and mental health awareness.

7.     Focus on Targeted Crime Prevention

Proactive crime prevention strategies like focused deterrence and hot-spot policing are vital. Focused deterrence targets high-risk individuals, offering support and alternatives to crime while sending a strong anti-violence message. Hot-spot policing concentrates resources in high-crime areas, aiming to disrupt criminal activity and enhance public safety through increased patrols and community engagement.

8.     Improve Data Collection and Evaluation

Enhancing data gathering in law enforcement is essential for evaluating tactics and resolving inequalities. Entire databases should monitor stops, arrests, use of force, and demographic information for research. Real-time analysis provides information on trends in crime and the effects of policies. Accountability within the community is promoted, and confidence is increased through transparent reporting.


In conclusion, the call for a transformative law enforcement overhaul in the United States is resounding. This imperative demands a multifaceted approach, tackling systemic flaws within police agencies while fortifying accountability mechanisms and reimagining the role of law enforcement in our communities.

From the Ground Up by James W. Buie discusses the steps the American law enforcement system needs to take to meet the needs of the society. The book includes a collection of relevant, thought-provoking, and influential solutions-based ideas and concepts that can help the police build trust among the general public and maintain accountability.

Grab your copy today!

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